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Are Such Programs Legal?

Yes! Release Time has been allowed by Federal law since 1914 but has been largely overlooked in some areas and avoided because of fear in others.  In 1952, the constitutionality of Released Time ministry was tested in the Supreme Court.  At that time it was found that Released Time was not in violation of the United States Constitution.  Since then, the legality of Released Time has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as protected by our U.S. Constitution. 

How is God Using Bible Released Time?

God is using Bible Released Time classes to effectively deliver the Word of God to over 250,000 public school students nationwide.  As a result, public school students are receiving foundational instruction in the Bible and hearing the Gospel … and many are accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior!  Their hearts and lives are being changed!

Are there other benefits in Bible Released Time?

Besides being the only legal way by which students may receive Bible instruction during their school day, statistics show that schools, the students and the communities involved in Bible Released Time classes also benefit in other ways.  Bible Released Time classes reinforces positive behavior, fosters character development and improves academic performance in the individual students and in their regular classroom as well.  Bible Released Time classes also encourages the involvement of communities and parents in the schools.  This program benefits all involved!

What is Bible Released Time?

Federal law allows interested parents to give permission for their public school student to be “released” from school for a designated period of time in order to go off the school property for Bible instruction.   These Bible Released Time classes are usually held at a nearby church for an hour at a time and are taught by committed teachers who use every precious minute allowed to teach the wonderful truths of God’s Word.

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